I have built Live Coin Flips after I’ve spent some time thinking how can two persons, in remote locations, flip a coin and agree on the result. It’s more challenging than what it looks like at first; flipping a coin while on a live video call is probably the easiest way, but it is not always feasible, and also any sleight-of-hand trick is much much easier to do remotely.
See for example these guys on YouTube predicting the coin flip outcome every time:
So I’ve come up with the idea of using a third-party, independent, unpredictable, universally agreed upon, continuous source of randomness. After some candidates I’ve singled out one: the Bitcoin price.
To make everything simpler, I’ve built a web application to calculate the outcome every minute. By deciding on a date in the future (it doesn’t need to be in the far future, just far enough for the Bitcoin price to not be published yet), you also commit on a certain coin flip outcome which will happen on that date.
You can see it in action here: Live Coin Flips